Terms of Service
Terms of Service
Last changed on December 29, 2022

Terms of Service

This is Stellar Capital's standard Terms and Conditions. Stellar Capital will be referred to as 'the Company'. Any account of the Client will be referred to as 'the Client' throughout all contractual conditions as detailed and signed by Director or Directors of the Company and confirmed by the client.

By accepting the Terms and Conditions, the Client enters into a binding legal agreement with the Company. The Client acknowledges that the Company's official language is the English language. The Company's Terms and Conditions provide the foundation on which the Company and Client develop products and services suitable and appropriate to the Client.

These Terms and Conditions supersede any other previous agreements and/or arrangements express or implied statement by the Company. Any material amended will only be materially amended with the sanction of the Client. The Terms and Conditions will incept once prospective Client receives an email that contains confirmation of Account Opening furnishing of Account Reference Number & Password, Client Categorization, Trade Invoice and Settlement Conditions pertaining to appointed Clearing House of Transaction with the Company.

Unless indicated to the contrary, the defined terms included in these Terms and Conditions shall have a specific meaning and be used in singular or plural as appropriate. Unless otherwise stated the definition of Terms shall have the same meaning as standard. Authorized Representative shall mean the natural or legal person who is authorized by the Client to act on his/her behalf. This relationship is documented through a Power of Attorney; a copy of which is held by the Company.

Balance shall mean the funds that are available in the Clients account that can be used for Investment Transaction purposes. Balance Currency shall mean the currency that the Client Account is denominated in. It should be noted that all charges including commission are calculated in that currency. Business Day shall mean a day on which the Company is open for business. Client shall mean the natural or legal person who received the email to in clause contract signed.

Terms and Conditions shall mean the Stellar Capital Terms and Conditions of business governing the action that relates to the execution of the Clients orders. Agreement of alignment policy, Client categorization as well as information published on the company's website, as may be amended from time-to-time with Client sanction.

Company shall mean Stellar Capital, subsidiaries of and any third-party legal representation, directors, board executives and key company stakeholders, signatories and decision makers. Charges shall mean commission at a rate of 1% applied to the entry total of any transaction due and 1% of net profits at the time of exit with confirmation being advised to the Client.

Entry shall mean the opposite of a transaction of position that is yet to be exited. Equity shall mean the balance plus/minus any profit/loss that derives from holding asset. Exit shall mean the opposite of any entered transaction or position. Value Date shall mean the delivery date of funds.

The Company offers a full service, advisory, self-managed account basis with access to most main market exchanges, industry accepted risk-modeling and all market instruments available to Client specifications. The Company will ensure complete suitability to the Client's needs prior to any investment decision being made. The Company will thereafter contact the Client in order to outline the Company's ability to develop an approach which is best suited and most appropriate for the Company and the Clients combined portfolio philosophy. The Company will only execute on instruction received by the Client by email, telephone or fax. The Company will provide investment advice which has been expertly sourced and compiled and agreed upon in line with Company philosophy and relating to financial transactions and investment strategies pursued charges and tax benefits. The Company from time-to-time and as often as appropriate may issue material which contains information including but not limited to the conditions of financial market and economic activities, posted through its website and other media. The Client is responsible for notifying the Company of his or her financial status. The Client is afforded with the highest regulatory protections available. The Company shall at all times conclude the Clients transactions in good faith

If you would like to learn more, please contact us.